The Functional Mushroom Company
What are Functional Mushrooms?
Functional mushrooms contribute to overall health and well-being. They contain bioactive compounds that are not typically found in other food items.
Our Species
Our powerful fungi are handpicked for potency, supported by extensive research to ensure effectiveness, and sourced ethically from the world’s most trusted organic wild-crafters.
Powerful Organisms
You only have to reflect on the profound, frequently life-changing experience induced by a single dose of psilocybin, or indeed the almost immediate termination of life attended by the accidental ingestion Amanita phalloides - aka the death cap - to be reminded of the extraordinary power that mushrooms possess.
Uses Through the Ages
The use of medicinal mushrooms has been deeply rooted in Eastern cultures, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine and other Asian medicinal practices, for thousands of years.
In contrast, Western medicine has predominantly focused on synthetic drugs and isolated compounds, often overlooking the potential benefits of natural remedies like mushrooms.
Furthermore, until relatively recently, there was limited scientific research on the health benefits of medicinal mushrooms in the West. This lack of research made it challenging to substantiate their traditional uses and incorporate them into mainstream healthcare practices.
The functional Mushroom Company
Key Concepts
As decomposers, mushrooms fulfill essential ecological roles employing intricate defense mechanisms and displaying unique biological functions.